ITS has received a large number of reports from students receiving an error message when attempting to log into Blackboard. One cause of this problem has been traced to students using a secondary login page via a Google search to access Blackboard. When students afterwards attempt to access Blackboard via the main login page (, they receive the error message. ITS has contacted the vendor and they are investigating the issue.
Until a resolution is found, students can clear their browser cache to remove the element that is causing the error. Instruction on clearing the cache are available at: Restarting your browser after clearing your cache is strongly encouraged.
Students are being directed to the secondary login page via a Google search for SIUE Blackboard. To prevent this error from recurring, students are encouraged to access Blackboard directly at: or by clicking the Blackboard icon from the toolbar at the bottom of the SIUE homepage at:
If you continue to experience issues, contact ITS at (618) 650-5500 or via email at